Missions Trips 2023
Thailand (March 19th-30th)
We will be heading to Chang Rai, Thailand to serve House of Grace which is a ministry of Global Servants. They are needing an extension to their worship center to enable them to have all of the girls in one worship service. We will be helping due concrete block work. We will also have the opportunity for a group to work with the girls who call House of Grace home during the school year.
Estimated Trip Cost: $3,500
Chiapas, Mexico (April 30th - May 5th)
We will be partnering with Ministry Builders to build a church in Chiapas, Mexico. There will also be an opportunity to serve at an Orphanage. This trip doesn't require any vaccinations, but you will need a valid passport for international travel.
Estimated Trip Cost: $1,250
More to come!